
Kirk Session


Session Clerk

Mrs Anne Noble

Roll Keeper

Mr John Armstrong

Bathgate Churches Together Co-ordinator

Mr George Bonnar

Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Mrs Debbie McComb


Mrs Joan Proven


Congressional Board



Mrs Margaret Hardy

Congregational Treasurer

Mr David McComb

Finance Group, F.W.O. and Gift Aid Convener

Mr David McComb

Property and Health and Safety Convener

Mr Gorden McMillan

Fundraising Convener

Mrs Pat Hamilton

Hall Letting Convener

Mr John Armstrong

Church Officer

Mr Scott Mathieson


Organisations & groups in St John’s


Junior Church

Mrs Elan Simpson

Girl’s Brigade

Mrs Elan Simpson

The Guild

Mrs Netta Armstrong

Badminton Club

Mrs Anna McGill

Prayer Circle & Pastoral Care of the Housebound

Mrs Cecilia Bonnar

Church Flowers

Mrs Pat Hamilton

Mrs. Joan Stewart

Mid Street


EH48 1QD